Posts Tagged ‘Greatest Sports Stars’

Once upon a time there was a little boy who was afraid of water.  His father, concerned that this hydrophobia might impact on to other aspects of his son’s life insisted that he went to the local swimming pool and learned how to swim.  The rest is history.  The frightened little boy grew up to be Alexander Popov, widely recognized to be one of the greatest sprint freestyle swimmers of all time.  As such he makes it in at number 94 on our list of the world’s 100 greatest sports stars ever.

The fateful day with the pool happened in 1979 when Popov was eight years old.  He started out by becoming expert at the backstroke and stuck with it till 1990 when he became part of Gennadi Touretski’s squad, urged on by the then Head Coach of the USSR National Team Glep Petrov.  Standing high at two meters, Popov was always going to be a formidable opponent but it was this change of event that was to prove his making.  If you prefer visual facts, try this video.

The change to freestyle paid dividends sooner than the young Popov expected.  He won the gold medal in both the 50 and 100m freestyle in the Barcelona Summer Olympics of 1992.  The following Olympics in 1996 at Atlanta saw him repeat those victories.  This was quite a big deal as he was the first person to do so since Johnny Weissmuller (who played Tarzan in the movies) did so in the 1920s.

The victory celebrations were to be short lived however.  After returning to Moscow from Atlanta he was stabbed in the abdomen in a street dispute.  He was lucky to live – the knife went right through an artery, skimmed a kidney and even damaged the pleura (the membrane encasing the lungs).  He had to spend three months recovering from this but was back to form the following year when in the 1997 European Championships he defended both titles – and kept them.  Here are some facts about his style.

Barcelona proved to be a special place for Alexander Popov.  Returning for the 2003 Barcelona World Championships he again dominated the freestyle events winning both the 50 and 100m – again.

The Athens Summer Olympics of 2004 proved to be a turning point. By this time he was thirty two and this is past peak age for a world class swimmer.  He was the oldest competitor in the pool for his events and failed to make it in to the finals of either the 50 or 100m freestyle.

Yet all was not lost – like many an athlete Popov had made plans for when his time ran out as a competitor.

He was elected to the International Olympic Committee as a full member in 1999 and he also is the athlete’s representative on the IOC Sport for All Commission.  This was by direct election so you can imagine the esteem in which Popov is held by his colleagues.

In the UK they have OBEs and Knighthoods.  Being Russian, Popov was honored by his own country in 1996 when he received the Russian Medal of Honor.

The same year he was also declared the Russian Athlete of the Year and European Sports Press Union Athlete of the Year.

As a record holder he held a title for 10 years – the long course men’s 50 meter freestyle which he gained in 1998.  It was 21.64 seconds and was only beaten by 0.08 by Australia’s Eamon Sullivan.

He made an appearance at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics presenting flowers to volunteers.  However, he has no plans to stay away from sports.

He has already been named as one of the Evaluation Commission for the 2016 Summer Olympics which will be held in Rio, Brazil.

So, there is number 94 on our list of the 100 Greatest sports stars of all time.  Keep coming back to World in Sport for more!

 Aleksandr Vladimirovich Popov, Alexander Popov, Александр Владимирович Попов

Australia, it cannot be doubted, has produced many world class sports stars, per capita possibly more than any other country in the world. That and the little green god aside we have to take our hats off to number 95 on our lists of the 100 greatest sports stars ever – possibly the greatest sportswoman that Australia has ever produced. Yet why, we wonder, have so few people ever heard of the incomparable Heather McKay?

It could be the fact that her sport was squash (she is not retired): for whatever reasons the sport has not joined the likes of golf and tennis in the megabucks or for that matter mega interest stakes. It could be, also (and we say this shamefully) that in an oft overlooked sport the female players are generally ignored even more than the male. Whatever the case, it remains that Heather McKay has one of the most outstanding sports records that you will ever hear about.

Domination isn’t quite the word for what she represented in the squash world. She was the ultimate squash player of the 60s and 70s and won 16 British Open titles in a row between 62 and 77. She also won the World Open title when it began in 1979. During this period she was never defeated. Not once. Never. Hats off to Heather! How many other sports stars have that sort of record? Yes, we couldn’t either.

What was more she also played racquetball and field hockey at top levels. Born in 1941 McKay was defeated only twice in her career (once in 60 and again in 62). When she retired in 1981 she had not been beaten since that day in 1962. Her first British Open came at the age of 21 and then there was almost a generation of comfortable wins. In 1968 she won the final against Bev Johnson (also an Australian) without conceding a single point.

Retiring at the age of 40 from top-level squash she has remained active in the Masters Level events, winning two over-45 and two over-50 World Championships. To cap it all she was a member of the Australian Women’s Hockey Team and won the American (Amateur) Racquetball Championship in 1979. Moreover she won the professional version of that title three times (80, 81 and 84) as well as winning the Canadian Racquetball Championship five times.

Some amazing facts about an amazing sportswoman. Although little known outside of her arena, are you surprised any longer to find here on this top 100 sports stars list?